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 Deer hunter -2

I don’t know what made me think about hunting such an animal out of elusiveness. My experience with a turkey taught me too well to traps trying to outwit a creature that has millions of years of evolutionary history, dodging predators, to think that a simple nemrod with a gun and the Internet can outwit. But to use a quote from fishing, which I once heard: "They say that 10% of fishermen catch 90% of fish." I think it works the same way for hunting. Thus, the goal is to become one of the ten centers that manage to overcome defensive weapons of elusiveness and detection.

Everyone knows that the smell of deer is legendary and the key to their survival. The nose of the deer has about eighty million smell receptors than the snooper, so it’s safe to say that three hundred yards away they can say you drank Coors or Budweiser the day before. Do not say more, do not say more.

And do not forget about your vision. Deer have a very good peripheral vision of 310 degrees, which is believed to see in the ultraviolet spectrum for those conditions with low light and, contrary to popular thought; they are not really blind. They are more like a color provoked between longer waves, such as greens, yellows, oranges and reds, which means that they cannot distinguish much between them. If there is a weakness, he has little sense of depth, which he hopes if you can remain completely motionless. They will immediately pick up any movement, you are a hunter.

This ability to see in the ultraviolet range should be troubling because many of the camouflaged gear on the market is either made with a thread that has bleaches in the dye or is covered with bleach, which makes it more attractive to the consumer. The black light shining in many of these tissues shows that the psychedelic radiance that you really would like to avoid in the forest is because this is what the deer sees, especially in low light.

Hearing is the only meaning close to a parody of people. What kind? I thought a deer could hear a pin a thousand yards! Imagine that you live all your life in the forest, and do not listen to anything, but the forest sounds. No jealousy of TV, or mp3 shouting into the headphones, no crash, no lawn mowers, no chainsaws, no edible weeds, no thousands of continuous daily noises that you almost filter out. Now imagine that your ears are four inches and can be rotated independently. No, you are not going to Bad Island, instead you now have the opportunity to focus on any sound around you, even if it is yours.

Now imagine your average hunter-claudopper getting out of his truck, slamming the doors, laughing at his friend who takes a leak on the tire, and then slamming the bolt, closing his loaded weapon, before dropping it. Wait, that these are not woody sounds, your new deer ears, which would definitely separate you from the rest of the crowd, which I could add, immediately lift it from your shelter half a mile away, because you no longer listened to all life, but the sounds of the tree ! ... Well, if you say so.

Deer, the ultimate large animal for most hunters in the United States, is the hardest to acquire. Not that these four-legged running and jumping machines were missing. Estimated numbers put them at more than 700,000 in Florida, which is a simple point compared to 4,000,000 in Texas, the leading state of white deer. So buo us. But I was not going to restrain myself with such harsh numbers as compared with some other states.

However, the problem for the average hunter is the availability of land. State land is our only option if we are not rich or delinquent. This means hunting for nature management areas owned and operated by the state. This means that the herds of hunters are not just deer.

The density that is the core of the problem. My central Florida area is estimated to have a density of between 15 and 30 deer per square mile. At a ratio of five to one in dollars, which is a reasonable figure, according to biologists, and using 20 as the average figure, I could expect to be about four bucks per square mile of my hunting area, the numbers before the season, Considering that at At least one of these bucks will be carefree, it will reduce the figure to about 3. But the hunting pressure can reduce this number to 1 or 2.

My hunting area contains about ninety square square miles and allows 650 permits per day. It’s about six square mile hunters, searching for a pair of legal deer. Yes, this may be the reason that I did not hunt for the weekend, and another reason to hunt from deer, which I did not have.

My challenge would be to hunt them from the ground, which I know, but nevertheless a worthy quest.

The first aspect of any hunt, regardless of prey, is the exploration of the area. Google Earth is a great tool, but boots on the ground are needed to check potential locations. But where to look? Well, deer are found in the forest. Oh really? I bet you can try this venison steak. But not so fast. "Forest" - a great place. Where do you think these deer hang out all day? Definitely not open, I can tell you that. My many search trips to the forest showed a very similar lack of these creatures. But they are there, in a deep, thick coating, where your most thorough approach will be found, like pipes against the walls of Jericho.

My high-tech cam didn't really help me. I put it on the trail on the natural bottle-neck, on which I noticed some traces of deer, hoping to catch a glance at the constant bucks. A week later, I came back to get pictures. What they revealed made me uneasy. I cooked cows at the parade, cows in the morning, cows at night. Black cows, white cows, brown cows, spotted cows. The cows go ahead, the cows return, the cows rob the camera, the cows, the lunar camera, the cows in the conga line. Sadness for good. I managed to photograph the whole herd. This property is leased to a cattle ranch in which they are all roaming.

The camera worked fine. I finally learned to raise it high enough and not close to moving limbs or weeds that could cause it. This hunting deer hunting will be harder than I thought. I needed his wing.

Deer are mostly active at dusk or, as I have often seen driving at night, night creatures. Strong is a term for it. That is where ultraviolet vision comes in handy. But very early or very late hours are time to plan your ambush, and this is the only way you will be close enough to shoot him. Maybe Davy Crockett might sneak up on a deer in the forest, but you can't do that. In fact, I think Daniel Boone was the best deer hunter, but I get distracted.

My plan was to go in the afternoon and sit in my place like the sun. I would bring my son X-man and his friend Hellboy, because they suddenly discovered an interest in deer or pigs, because X-man said he would prefer. No difference. They are both found in the same areas.

The only problem was that I only bought one rifle to hunt for a bigger game this year, a Marlin 30-30 lever action, with a Tasco area of ​​3-9x 50 mm, zeroed a hundred yards. My other gun was supposed to be my 12 gauge remington with a rifled slug, which meant a distance of about fifty yards or so.

We drive four miles along the WMA road to a place from the beaten track. Shit, the truck was already there. I parked next to him and hoped that we would not be close enough to each other to go to each other. Before we set off, we sprayed ourselves with a free amount of odor neutralizer.

You can take this anti-aging procedure as much as you want, if you want. You can start with a nice, relaxing shower when you soap with Scent-A-Way soap, and then immerse yourself in your hunting clothes, which have been washed in fragrance and whitening free detergent and dried on clothesline. No deodorant, please. When you get to your hunting spot, put on rubber boots, spray yourself with a neutralizing odor and rub some pants on your pants. Then, if you hunt in a cattle area like me, find fresh pilaf and have fun by fanning it around your boots. And for Christ's sake, try to choose a place in the wind where you think the deer will come closer. This is probably the best advisory board I've received. As good as a deer can smell, anything that loses its own human smell will not be superfluous.

The attractive smell game seemed a bit mysterious to me, so I decided to keep it for a while and work on the basics.

We went down the sandy road and noticed that the guy was sitting on his stand near the end of the cow pasture no more than one hundred yards from the place where we were parked. "He is not going to sit sitting next to our trucks." I remember, as the recently anointed expert Cervidae said: “We need to go back to where there is no one else.

"I do not walk five miles dad." X-man moaned.

“My God,” I moaned, “we have not gone a quarter mile. Why don't you go to this ancient tree-like wall near the swamp, and I will follow the path where these open fields go into thick forests, so take a rifle and sit on this wall. And don't take off those orange vests. ” In any case, deer hunting looks more like a voluntary sport, and with a shotgun and slime I would have to be too cunning,

I made my way along the path for about half a mile until I arrived at the place where I used to fly. I put my disguised beach chair in the bushes at the edge of the field and leaned thirty yards from the deer I had seen. When I noticed that the tree stand was back under the oaks. But it was empty, so I thought that I had dibs in the square. First, at the first order? Isn't that correct hunting etiquette? Then I heard the percussion console of a small car approaching like a four-wheeled car.

Vehicles were restricted on these roads, but I saw two guys side by side walking along a dirt road, and then they stopped, and one got out, and side by side continued. I made sure that they saw me showing a raised fist, and I saw the guy walking through the bushes to his stand. He climbed up on his tree and just sat looking at me. What the ..?

You know, just because you put a stand in a forest on state-owned state does not mean that you get a reserved place every day for the whole season, whenever you want to appear, especially when it’s not the only tree, and you know who you are. I decided to find another place, but before I left, I had to go through a long leak around the nearby tree.

And this is the right time to realize that you never urinate anywhere near where you are set up when you hunt deer. They will smell like urine for a mile and avoid you like the plague. Leakage into an airtight container is the way to go.

Half a mile down the dirt road, I found another sensible place and set up my equipment, looking over the area for any tree stands. Nothing. I leaned back in my chair and pulled a camouflage hood over me and relaxed, looking around the forest a few hundred yards.

Half an hour later my eyes were talking about moving in the forest ahead. But it was not a deer. I could not make out the form, but the orange glow of the vest once again confirmed the value of wearing orange flame, especially with the folly of someone who thinks they can stalk a deer through a bush.

I could just scream. This place has been blown up. Now what? I collected my gear and disgust, making my way north for about twenty-five minutes and sat in a clearing when the sun set low in the sky. After twenty minutes there were no signs of any people. About time, I thought. The sun went down into the horizon, and everything became very quiet. It seems I heard the pin falling a thousand yards. No, only the mosquito buzzes my ear.

I sat and looked at the clearing, remaining completely motionless. There I heard it, soft horn, was there a deer? It didn’t sound like any sound I’ve ever heard in an mp3 file, but it was somewhere in the bushes, at least a few hundred yards from it. I waited a while until I slowly turned my head to scan the area. Nothing, of course. Then I slowly bounced back and a hundred yards, under a giant scattered oak. I saw that medium-sized pigs feeding on acorns materialized from seemingly thin air. He didn't see me, but shit, a hundred yards was too far for an accurate shot with a bullet, for me anyway.

I was thinking of a pig, but the sound of deer in the forest made me freeze in place for a few minutes. Then I could not bear it anymore. I drew my attention to the pigs.

I need to get close. It was very quiet, and for a while I did not hear anything. Hogs graze on acorns, not paying attention to my three-dimensional camouflaged jacket, hood, and face mask. I sat there, thinking that if I had 30-30, I could remove it from the place where I sat. This scenario was simply unacceptable, how can I get closer?

Then, out of the corner of his eye, a tiny calf of a cow variety appeared. Oh, great, now all the crackling will be heard, I thought. But nothing followed him. That was all by itself. It could be no more than a few days. This must be lost, poor thing.

He wandered the trail, not seeing me, until he noticed the fierce away. Then the calf ran in his direction, as if asking, “Are you my mother?” The beard looked carefree: “No, I am not your mother, punk, do I look like a cow?”

Then a brilliant plan is formulated in my brain. There were two little trees between me and the pigs. When the calf came forward, I quietly crept to the first tree right between me and the pigs. I could not believe that I had reached the first tree without seeing it. If I could just get to the next tree, it would have set me about fifty yards from here.

The calf continued to close the pigs: “Are you my mother, are you my mother?” I dared to go to the next tree again. Success. The hog was still rummaging in the stomachs, and the calf was standing next to a pig that looked unhappy. Indeed? Desperate? Have you seen the expression on the face of the calf? Ok, what about the remote ones? Let's get it straight. The face of the calf is like the face of a woman who gets a lot of Botox, it does not change expression.

I needed to take a picture. Before my brain told my hands to deliver a shotgun to my shoulder, a little calf came up to drape the pigs, but the pig had nothing like that. He ran into thick palmetto leading to the swamp.

With the expression on my face, I went back to my chair and sat down, deciding what I would do. The little calf followed me and stood right in front of me: “Are you my mother, are you my mother?”

"No, I am not your mother, now feed, cow." It must have taken the hint and went down the path.

I leaned back in my chair, drank some water, and heard one shot to the side where we entered. I called my son and asked him if it was him. He denied it. The guy in the tree is standing by the truck, shit.

I loaded my gear and went out to meet with my son and his friend. It was dark, and I saw that they turned on the lights that I gave them before we left. Always carrying at least two good fires. I carry two headlights and a powerful flashlight with a GPS and a compass and a backpack filled with enough equipment to stay the night if necessary. You have to spend one night shaking in the dark to take you away.

We secured a corner in the last couple of hundred yards from the truck and saw the guy’s headlights on the road in front of the deer stand. It was a good six-pointed dollar. We helped him load it onto his truck. He was the oldest guy, and he said that it was his first deer, he could not believe it. I could not believe it.

We slammed the door of the truck. They pounced on my tires and laughed merrily. They did enough to warn the authorities. It is impossible for a deer to show its face anywhere near this area. Sometimes, even when you think you are doing everything right, it still comes down to the randomness of the habits of a wild creature.

 Deer hunter -2

 Deer hunter -2

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