South Africa is a country in transition and, like all changes, there are inevitable consequences. One of the main concerns of our young democracy is security and security, an area that has been a bit over the past few years.
Unemployment is one of the main catalysts of crime
The large urban megalopolises of Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town have witnessed an incredible increase in population in recent years, when more and more villagers earn money for the city in order to find work. Many of these after-sales jobs did not materialize, with the result that unemployment has spread. Unfortunately, the unenviable result of rising unemployment is crime.
Refugees increase pressure
Since states such as Zimbabwe and Congo faced both economic and social crises, the refugees had no choice but to look for the sun elsewhere. The "Rainbow Nation" with all its capabilities has become the preferred destination for these desperate victims of war and greed, which has led to even greater pressure on the fragile local economy.
Avoid walking in urban centers.
As in the vast majority of cities around the world, most South African cities have areas where there is no one, but each of them remains a safe place to live while you are alert and take the usual precautions. These are the five places that we consider to be one of the safest places to live in South Africa.
about Cape Town “Besides the leading international tourist Mecca, Cape Town is a fascinating, modern, culturally diverse city that boasts some of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. The inner city saw a recent reconstruction with a huge amount of international money and the influence spent on its urban renewal. Companies together with city leaders made joint efforts to keep the city safe and clean, and the center of Cape Town became one of the safest places to live and do business.
about Garden route - this spectacular region between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth on the east coast of Africa is undoubtedly one of the jewels of the nation. In addition to a clean lifestyle, many cities along the Garden Path are among the safest places to raise your family. Golf courses that offer superior security measures abound in this pristine wildlife, and some of the most informal golf properties can be found in George and Knysna.
about Port St. John - The Transkei Wild Coast is one of the last remaining unspoilt areas of incomparable beauty. Formerly Bantustan, or the black homeland, during the regime of apartheid, the Transkeys were largely refuted by authority. Port St. John is located on the Indian Ocean and offers a sleepy, elevated lifestyle for a growing family. Schooling may be a problem later, but there are excellent high schools in nearby Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth and Durban. Regional poverty remains a problem, so petty crime does exist, but community programs have done a lot to raise local people, and now all members of the PSJ community have a much better understanding.
about Cape St. Francis - This coastal city is located near Port Elizabeth and offers a quiet commercial holiday out of season. During the holidays it is a popular place for local tourists and it becomes extremely busy. There are many business options, and first-class secondary and higher education is available in nearby PE. This is the perfect place for both young and old.
about West Coast - The west coast of South Africa is sparsely populated, mainly due to the fact that it is a dry and a dry limb of a nation. There are several small towns on the west coast, which are both delicious and safe. Yzerfontein, Churchhaven and St. Helena Bay are likely to choose a bunch, but they all offer a relaxed and safe lifestyle.