Australians know it and gosh, they love it ... Russians know it, and they just don’t like prices ... maybe you should visit the heart that stops in Bali.
The feeling of the island is very different from Thailand and the surrounding Indonesian islands, the overgrown city or dwarf city controls the entire width of the island, providing a lively tourist culture of Indonesia. I’m talking about tourist culture, as this is not Indo’s lifestyle, I’m pretty sure that if you visited the elegant city on the mainland, half the public would be 24-hour taxi drivers and the other half would sell bracelets, but soon the air is very charged, and the area has a good general feeling.
Surfers from all over the world hit semi-famous beaches surrounding the area known as Kuta, which promises reliable and powerful waves, a great opportunity to boast thousands of bikini-clad girls who come ashore. Kuta Beach itself is well-known to world-famous surfing competitions, drawing with big names and major water sports brands from Australia. So much so that Bali is one of the only places in Asia, you can find genuine authentic clothing from a manufacturer whose brand is tied to it. This does not mean that the fakes are not in abundance represent a humorous comparison between the towering instrument making shop Billabong and the guy who stands outside the gab of Billibang & # 39; under his breath and car, to his collection of Primark rebranding.
Sports place for sure, Bali is known not only for its surfing, but also has an excellent reputation for almost all water sports; Rental and sightseeing shops take to the streets and beaches, offering wakefulness, windsurfing, kite surfing, jet skis, banana boats, speed boat trips, scuba diving trips, kayaks, kayaks, scuba diving and personalized experiences.
Surrounded by mountainous areas, the coast and the ocean are not the only places for holidaymakers who entertain themselves. Pedestrian and pedestrian routes drag the area with the ability to go alone or with a guide.
Bali is divided into several sections, some of which are better known for some things and, of course, others for others.
The big draw for Suba Divers Bali is part of what is known as the Coral Triangle, an area with incredibly high and diverse marine biological species, only in the triangle can you see more than 500 types of coral reefs. This may not seem so impressive, until I tell you that it is about seven times more than can be found on the islands that make up the Caribbean.
In addition to sporting events, Bali’s nightlife covers the whole spectrum from disgusting but affordable compared to Norwegian chic, something for everyone a little imaginable guy can say. Or, if you're looking for low-energy daytime entertainment, please visit the Bali museum district, famous for its sculptures, artifacts, leatherworking and metal products, Indonesian art has come a long way, but never ceased to be exciting.
In the province of Indonesia there is not only the island of Bali, but also several other nearby terrestrial braids. One of them is Nusa Penida to the West or a trip to Java and Lombok, enjoy the ride.