First big gold the discovery in Nevada was what we call alluvial gold. It was in a creek flowing into the Carson River near the city of Dayton. This discovery of gold was made by Mormon seekers of gold, called "forty-nine" when they migrated (as a reference to 1849), to California gold fields. It later brought others upstream into the so-called Virginia range. Where they found the mother load of gold fields in 1859.
There were two miners named Peter O & Reilly and Patrick McLaughlin, they began searching with rocker arms on the mountain near the small screen. Most of them received gold, as well as large balls of blue and black dirt, which stuck to the rocker box, because of which it is almost impossible to wash the material and find gold.
On closer inspection, it turned out that the blue dirt was loaded with silver of almost pure silver, which can be easily made manually with a shovel. In a tone. And each ton cost about 2000 dollars.
Load Comstock got its name from Henry Thomas Paige Comstock, he stumbled upon Raimi and McLaughlin, who conducted reconnaissance and told them that he demanded them, and they demanded to jump, which was illegal and deceitful. The man did not want any trouble, so they shared a lawsuit with Comstock, which became the famous Ophir mine.
New news travels very fast. Silver and gold rush was included! Prospects and drifters rushed into the area to work in the underground mine tunnels that Mark Twain came to the original city of Nevada Sin, which was a hive of activity, and Virginia City was a festering den of garbage and meanness that you think Las Vegas in the original 24-hour city of sins, but Virginia City stated that the title was a long time ago in 1863, the total number of arrests and imprisoned was one-third of the urban population of 31,000.
Rich mines helped develop Virginia City during the gold rush. He turned the poorest scout into instant rich millionaires and made billions for Wall Street; many shareholders made fortunes in the gold rush of Comstock. As for Henry Comstock, after he made his way into his deal, sold his stake in the $ 20,000 claim and opened his own businesses, they all failed. He again tried to become a scout, but without success in 1870, he committed suicide.
Comstock boot discoverer Peter Oueyle held his stock even longer. Then, finally, after selling out for $ 50,000, he spent his happiness on the Sierras, thinking that he would find a richer gold strike than Comstock’s cargo, but it was not a surge, it was a bust. Instead, he lost his mind and died in a shelter.
The joint opening of Comstock's Patrick McLaughlin sold his share in the mine for $ 3,000. The money did not last long. He worked in odd jobs until he died. He was buried in the grave of a beggar.
During the golden days in California, there were many different discoveries and it continues even now, with a lot more rules and regulations. The man can still hit him, especially with the rising price of gold from the back, when the gold rush started from about $ 200 per ounce to $ 1600 per ounce and lashed.
Gold was first mined and discovered in Alaska in the 1870s. Alaska has the most interesting golden story. Today Alaska has its own landscape, full of old remnants of states, piercing past and present.
The gold rush in Alaska today Today Alaska is one of the few countries in the world that will allow a small-scale search to look for gold on a legal basis. It is well known that the prospector uses a golden pan and a gateway in the city or small sites that do not require commercial mining equipment. A person can stop on the side of a road near a stream on the way home from work and put together several shovels of dirt.
Museum of the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. There is a golden showcase of the history of the Alaskan gold rush from its opening in the 1870s to the present, the Alaskan visitor can choose from many jewelers and souvenir shops. There are many tours and walking tours, and also known for its great hunting and fishing throughout the state.
The gold rush began with the discovery in the town of Sitka in 1872, and then in another major place called Windham Bay in 1876, but in Alaska it could be opened for the discovery of large gold deposits in 1880 in Dzhunau Alaska, gold miners discovered significant pieces of quartz Black sand and galena containing brilliant gold at Gold Rush Creek, the city of Juneau was named after the prospector Joseph Juneau, the gold ore deposits in Juneau are still mined today, which gave the Alaska economy a great wealth contribution.
The Great Gold Rush in Alaska It was the discovery of gold in Juneau, which began the gold rush in Alaska, when in 1880 there were prospects for the state to cash in on the gold hobby. Today, in the old mining areas, you will find all sorts of tourist attractions along the coast of Alaska. One such area is the Nome region, which was glorified by all the old perspectives in the 1890s that came for the gold rush in search of gold. The beaches of Nome still produce gold for shallow vistas that would remind you of the days of the gold rush.
Very similar to the California Gold Rush. The Alaskan gold rush can also be attributed to the growth of settlements in large economic centers. Fairbanks received a big boost in the era of the golden advents. Nonetheless, today Fairbanks has sufficient gold reserves and is a large mountain town with many shallow prospects trying to try its luck in the gold rush of the past and present the largest, most recent Alaskan gold find near the lake just 235 miles south-west of Anchorage , Alaska, Thought to contain the largest gold deposits in North America's second-largest copper deposit, with 31.3 million ounces of gold, and another 18.8 billion pounds of copper - a continuous gold rush.