Low carb diets limit carbohydrate intake. The difference between the Atkins diet and South Beach is within the limits. The induction phase of the Atkins diet limits most carbohydrates, while the South Beach diet allows for “good” carbohydrate intake. These diets can really lead to a trial. What for?
The main source of energy of the human body is glucose. Glucose comes from the breakdown or hydrolysis of carbohydrates that are consumed. Limiting carbohydrate intake causes the body to use fat or protein as an energy source. Reducing carbohydrate intake can lead to fatigue and slight fatigue, until the body responds to the change.
The word carbohydrate has arisen because the molecular compositions of these compounds can be expressed as hydrates of carbon atoms, which give the basic embryonic carbohydrate formula (CH2O) n. Carbohydrates consist mainly of a combination of two functional groups of chemistry: carbonyl and hydroxyl groups. Carbohydrates exist in various forms, such as monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.
Monosaccharides are usually called simple sugars. These simple sugars cannot be destroyed or hydrolyzed into a simpler form (glucose). Complex carbohydrates are one or more bound simple sugars that require digestion for absorption.
Oligosaccharides contain at least two monosaccharide units. Oligosaccharides can be called disaccharides or trisaccharides, depending on how many units of monosaccharides the compound contains. Maltose and sucrose (table sugar) are considered disaccharides.
Polysaccharides contain many monosaccharide units. In order for the body to use polysaccharides, these compounds must be divided into simple monosaccharide forms. Examples of polysaccharides are starch and cellulose (fiber).
Dietary breakdown of carbohydrates occurs mainly in the mouth and small intestine. While chewing (chewing), the salivary glands secrete the enzyme alpha-amylase, which is called ptyalin. Alpha-amylase briefly affects dietary carbohydrates in the mouth to hydrolyze starch into simple sugars, such as glucose. In fact, if you chew carbohydrates for a long time, you can try sugar. This is the result of salivary amylase, which hydrolyzes carbohydrates into simpler sugars.
The outflow increases the food surface area for alpha-amylase to act. This allows the alpha-amylase enzyme to work more efficiently when digesting carbohydrates. However, the food does not remain in the mouth for a long time, so only a small part of the starch is hydrolyzed there.
After chewing food has been swallowed in the stomach, the digestion of carbohydrates is temporarily suspended. This is because alpha-amylase is inactivated by the acidic environment of the stomach. However, the digestion of carbohydrates will resume as soon as the Khimun (the food mass and gastric juices of the stomach) enter the small intestine.
Acid content drained into the small intestine is neutralized by bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas. Then the pancreas will secrete alpha-amylase to continue digesting carbohydrates. Digestion of carbohydrates is completed when the mucous membrane of the upper jejunum and duodenum absorbs most of the dietary sugars in the form of monosaccharides.
Now that we have a good idea of what carbohydrate is and the importance of carbohydrates in the body, perhaps an extreme low-carb diet is not the answer to weight loss. Extreme diets, regardless of whether they are low in carbohydrates or high in protein, can put the body to the test. Carbohydrates can be a necessary evil, but the body relies heavily on carbohydrates for energy. Instead of experiencing willpower, using a weight reduction supplement, called a carburetor blocker, may be the best option.
Carb blockers are a weight loss supplement recently introduced into the world of weight loss. Carb blockers claim to block the enzyme alpha-amylase. If the alpha-amylase enzyme is blocked, then the hydrolysis of hydrolysis. By blocking an enzyme, you are blocking the breakdown of carbohydrate, which affects the absorption of monosaccharide. How so? If the carbohydrate is of complex origin, the enzyme must be secreted to break down the carbohydrates into a simpler form for absorption. In theory, a carb blocker really should help block the absorption of carbohydrates.
Phaseolus vulgaris is an active ingredient in carb blockers that comes from white beans. Preparations of Phaseolus vulgaris with the pancreas. the ability to secrete enzyme alpha-amylase. Subsequent studies prove that Phaseolus vulgaris actually inhibits the enzyme alpha-amylase.
Carburetor blockers are another option for weight loss. However, permanent weight loss requires you to change your lifestyle. If you do not change your lifestyle, no matter what diet or supplement you choose, weight loss is temporary and short-lived. This also means that if you choose a low-carb diet, be sure to make the diet. Many people fail in a low-carb diet because of extreme commitments.
Copyright 2006 Kristi Haugen