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 Save girl -2

Let me save the girl and resist the genocide that is taking place in society. Feticide is the meanest form of violence against women. Since sex determination technology first appeared, sex-selective abortion triggered a horror saga in India. In fact, nature assumed that the uterus would be a safe place to nurture and care for the foam before the child could be born. But today, doctors have made it the most insecure place for a female child, unleashing the bite of horror. Today, a girl is several times more likely to be eliminated before being born in India than dying from various causes in the first year of her existence.

Save the girl: sex determination and gender selection

Although fetal sex and sex selection are a criminal offense in India, the practice is relentless. Private clinics with ultrasound machines and other new technologies are engaged in a lively business. Everywhere people pay to know the gender of the unborn child and pay more to interrupt the female child. This technology has even reached remote areas of the country through facilities such as mobile clinics. People seek sex determination even for the first child.

Save the girl: historical connection and general discrimination of girls

Previously, when the technology was not available to find out the floor of the foam, the girl was killed by placing a bag of sand on her face or suffocating her, or some kind of poison was used on her mother's chest. The irony was that neither the mothers nor their family members expressed any regrets about the death of their daughters. Now the landscape has changed. With the help of new technologies, you can easily detect the floor of the foam. Thus, the practice of infanticide in women has been replaced by a female thetid.

Save the girl: Discrimination against girls and women

Female dementia and infanticide are not the only problems with a girl in India. In fact, at every stage of life, she is subject to discrimination and neglect of basic nutrition, education, and standard of living. When she is in the womb, she is removed before she can enter the world. If by chance she is born, then at the moment of her birth her relatives push her back and squeeze her neck, and after the murder she is thrown into the trash can. If she is lucky enough to survive the early stupor and infanticide, then her childhood is nothing more than a punishment when her brother gets all the attention with new shoes, dresses and books to find out when she is blessed with a broom, a napkin and lots of tears. As a teenager, she misses her nutritious food and gets only the remaining crumbs. At the age when she had to go to college, she hastily “got married,” which led to conditions when she remained dependent on others for her survival. She has no social or economic independence. In the future, her illiteracy, lack of education lead to unwanted and early pregnancy, a high degree of fertility. This further aggravates the general condition of women in the country. Again, if this woman gives birth to a girl, the whole cycle of traveling murder and discrimination begins again and again.

Save the girl: the guilt of the medical profession

According to some studies, the industry of ultrasound and sonography, sex selection and female ficida is about 500 crores in India, and it passes through small clinics, midwives, unregistered doctors and large hospitals. They perform abortions very secretly and many times that they cause the death of many women. Many doctors are involved in this common negligence to make easy money. In fact, it is a very profitable business. Machines have become cheaper, so even a new medical graduate can quickly create a business. It may be illegal, but very rarely, that in India medical advice does not violate the ethical malpractice of anyone.

Save the girl: responsibility and accountability of the medical profession

It is time for doctors to become responsible and accountable. In fact, they are those who aggressively promoted the abuse of technology and legitimized fittid. They created weapons of mass destruction. The worst of the worst doctors believe that they are doing a great social service and feel happy giving this service to parents desperate to have a son, believing that they prevent the birth of an unwanted child.

Save the girl: oblique way to determine gender

Today, as laws become stricter, the method of identifying gender is becoming more and more inclined. Now either the doctor will hand out blue or pink candies to family members when they leave or make a remark during the exam, saying something like "Your child will be a fighter" or "A child is like a doll." It is quite obvious that since the legislation came into force, the business went underground. Proof of this is the ever-growing number of fetishes throughout the country, especially in northern India.

Save the girl: pay for determining the gender at the table

Now doctors who dissolve sex expect that the payment for breaking the law will break, from a few hundred rupees in poorer areas to several thousand in more prosperous regions. The simple and simple truth is that the medical fraternity was not properly regulated in India, and there is not enough restraint or awareness even among the medical fraternity that can prevent these abuses in the first place.

Save the girl: the real problem in terms of numbers

Let's now look at the figures that tell the truth to themselves. According to the latest official census data, India, with its nationwide ratio of 933 women per 1000 men, had a deficit of 35 million women when it entered the new millennium. Experts call this “sanitized barbarism.” UN data say that about 750,000 girls are interrupted each year in India. It's like a genocide: “Over 6 million killed in 20 years. This is the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust. ”

Save the girl: an abortion of a million fruits per year

Demographic trends show that India is rapidly moving toward a million female fruits, interrupted each year. In India, if the 1991 census showed that in two districts the ratio of children (number of girls per thousand boys) is less than 850; by 2001, it was 51 district. The irony is that the nation of the so-called goddess and mothers still follows a culture where people worshiped the birth of a son and mourned the birth of their daughters.

Save the girl: income level directly proportional to election abortion by sex

Ironically, as income levels increase, sex determination and gender choices expand throughout India. The most influential and rich pockets have the worst sexual relationship. For example, take Punjab - 793 girls for every 1,000 boys against the national figure 927. Or South Delhi - one of the richest districts of the capital - 760. In many areas of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan; the sex ratio of girls for every 1,000 boys was only 745 or 754 or 779, respectively. Based on the number of births in Delhi every year and the sex ratio in the capital - 814 girls for every 1000 boys, about 24,000 women-fetus breaks in the capital every year and about one million throughout the country.

Save the girl: warning of unexpected social problems in the near future

The abortion rate is growing in almost 80% of the Indian states and especially in Punjab and Haryana. These two states have the largest number of abortions every year. UNICEF warned that if steps were not taken to solve the problem throughout the country, India would soon face unexpected social problems, such as men who could not find brides, gaps in labor and increase trafficking in women.

Save the girl: Answering ethical questions

The other side of the coin is a question that attempts to regulate women's right to abortion, inevitably raises religious issues, but, on the contrary, like India, it is not a matter of choice or pro-life. “Equality is a fundamental right,” but where is gender equality, when a million girls are destroyed every year before birth. Therefore, we need to understand the fact that our situation is indeed alarming and extraordinary, and the prevention of such discrimination takes precedence over arguments regarding women's reproductive rights.
Save the girl: a ban on sexual selective abortion
Another serious problem is that, despite the prevalence of the terrible and inhuman phenomenon, the decision to suppress the female fetus remains taboo, and it is difficult to convince women to talk about the problem. If women themselves become participants in the problem, how can we ever think about finding a solution?

Save the girl: abuse of technology

The social evils of discrimination and the marginalization of women and the killing of girls are ironically deeply rooted in the Indian spirit, and the most shocking fact is that innovative and tough high-tech technologies really helped in the brutal murder of an Indian girl. Previously, it was infanticide. Now it’s easier to handle technology with help. Innovative methods such as biopsy, ultrasound, scanning tests and amniocentesis designed to detect genetic abnormalities are very often used by a number of families to identify the sex of an unborn child. These clinical trials greatly contribute to the growth of the genocide of the unborn child.

Save the girl: technology like the devil

In patriarchal states such as Rajasthan, where infanticide has eluded for centuries, this new technology has many participants, because it is simple and secretive. There are far fewer questions to answer when you cancel a girl and not kill a girl. Today, people clearly pretend that they are modern, and that they do not distinguish between a girl and a boy. But when the real situation arises, they did not hesitate to calmly go to the next village and get an ultrasound and even interrupt the girl. Here technology has become an uncontrollable beast and demon, and not an angel.

Save the girl: Related and Related Issues

In addition to killing a girl, a child is also one of the most common causes of maternal mortality. The law allows sexual intercourse to be determined only 14-16 weeks. Because of this, the majority of sexual abortions are scheduled late, and this leads to a very high probability of maternal mortality. In any case, the woman suffers.

Save the girl: Eliminate the symptom of a larger problem

We must understand the fact that Feticide is in fact a symptom of a wider and wider problem associated with marginalization and discrimination against women through various social, cultural and economic prejudices and practices. Feticide is associated with issues as diverse as the privatization of medical education and dowry. For example, Karnataka is the state in India with the largest number of private medical colleges. Here, health care has become a commodity without proper regulation and control, with disastrous consequences, such as illegal abortions and ficide.

Save the girl: rich farmers and ficide

Another ironic phenomenon is that where the agricultural green revolution took place with a consequent increase in income among farmers, the amount of ficida increased. The connection is simple. With the increase in the number of land plots and the inheritance of wealth, the requirements of the dowry increased, and therefore the birth of a daughter is considered an economic responsibility. Today, people do not even want their daughters to study higher, as an educated fiance will probably require more dowry.

Save the girl: the selection of children in families

Even the creation of small and nuclear families occurred at the expense of the girl. Parents who choose one child are more likely to go for a male child, and not with a child.

Save the girl: Demand vs. Discussion of disputes

Another problem that has been put forward by the medical community to address their own culpability in all this negligence is the debate about supply and demand. Doctors say that there is a social demand, and they only fulfill it. They point out that social relations must change. However, they ignore the fact that in this case the demand for energy requires. The simpler the technology, the more likely the probability of abortion and bites.

Save the girl: tighter regulation and control

There is no other way than to regulate and control “technology and medical practice,” since technology is not neutral in the hands of greedy, vested interests. There is a law to prevent the abuse of technology, and it must be strictly enforced. On the other hand, a solution to countering the increase in the number of ficida can work only by raising awareness and general empowerment of women in all aspects.

Save the girl: the need for youth badges for youth and role models

The participation of women in work, the availability of disposable incomes and the contribution to a wider society will be important for how women see society. Female youth icons and role models definitely influence the change in the general perception of society, which is still highly discriminatory.
Save the girl: laws against violence and discrimination against women
Other issues related to general discrimination and marginalization of women include laws on violence against women, such as dowry, domestic violence, rape, which directly control the most ineffective and corrupt police force, which is actually biased against women his colonial hangover and the resulting approach to action. In any case of violence and discrimination against women, the entire debt and burden of action is always affected by the women involved.

Save the girl: urgent need for police reform

This is the time when police reforms are taking place, and modern police forces appear in the country, which are more sensitive to social issues, not the current one, which can satisfy the whims and fantasies of their political masters. Today, despite the existence of good and tough laws, criminals easily disappear. As in many other laws of the country, the law prohibiting sex determination and sex selection is coming out, but compulsory use is a big question mark.

Save the girl: myths must be broken

Another myth that needs to be destroyed is that there is a fetish in a non-human and less rich society. According to a survey, over the past two decades in India, the number of working and working women in India has increased by 28.32%. But at the same time, what is more shameful and ironic is the fact that the number of working women is interrupted or ends in abortion.

Save the girl: abortion in working women

The reasons for the practice of abortion in working women: They want a small family; they want to improve their career prospects; they want a male child, and they don't want daughters. Many of these women justify their choice of sex and abortion, because they think that if they deliver a boy, then they are looking for in a family. In addition, they do not want their daughters to suffer from the difficulties faced by the girl. In addition, they cannot afford the dowry costs that should be born to the girl’s parents. “Because maintaining high living standards has become so costly, who will save her?” Modern mothers say. This is a serious problem. The reasons why these literate and modern women give for not having given birth to a girl. But they forget that if their mothers thought the same way, they would have met the same fate.

Save the girl: the curse of consumer culture

Further, the whole problem is simply the expansion of our consumer culture. If someone can afford to buy a Mercedes, they feel they can afford to secure their son too. If they can pay for ultrasound, they do not need to have a daughter - this is the logic.

Save the girl: outdated social practices and their consequences

Dauri is a big problem for the urban elite, because the amount that people have to pay as a dowry is amazing and ridiculous. Moreover, it is the cost of indecently extravagant Indian weddings. In addition to dowry costs and marriages, there are other reasons why daughters are considered less desirable, since there is a general opinion that sons will ensure that their old parents and daughters can still go to another household and, therefore, in the long run. Social and cultural conditions are negatively associated with women. После брака женщина традиционно живет с семьей мужа, оставляя своих родителей за ухаживать за сыном, если он есть, в старости. Сыновья несут фамилию и часто бизнес, обычно наследуют имущество и выполняют последние обряды. Все это способствует негативному пристрастию к девочке даже до рождения.

Спасите девочку: неправильное представление о том, что нищета ведет к мучению

Из приведенного выше анализа мы можем ясно видеть, что это неправильное представление о том, что это проблема, связанная с крайней нищетой. Это довольно свирепствует в семьях высшего и среднего класса. Женский пеняд очень высок в Пенджабе, а Харьяна - одни из лучших государств в стране. Даже деньги не покупали изменение отношения. На самом деле больше денег привело к обострению всей проблемы. Умение остается - девочки не важны, девочки - это бремя, а сыновья более полезны. С новой культурой образа жизни в Индии, когда люди богаты, они хотят тратить свои деньги на вещи, а не на приданое или браки для своих дочерей. Таким образом, мы можем видеть, что социальные и культурные обычаи, такие как приданое и экстравагантные браки, на самом деле способствуют общей угрозе женского аборта и слабоумия.

Спасите девочку: закон против фетишита и осуществление закона

После почти десятилетия задержек в феврале 2003 года вступил в силу Закон о запрете на секс, направленный на предотвращение использования ультразвуковых исследований для определения пола. Любое лицо, включая беременных женщин, которые обращаются за помощью в отношении выбора пола, могло быть отправлено на трехлетний тюремный срок и оштрафовано на 50 000 рупий или на 1200 долларов США. Если любой врач признан виновным в этой халатности, он может приостановить свою регистрацию государственным медицинским советом.

Спасите девочку: Закон, принятый в 2003 году

Закон о пред-концептуальном и предродовом диагностическом методе (запрет и отбор полов), который вступил в силу 14 февраля 2003 года, был заменой предродовым диагностическим методам (регулирование и неправильное использование) в 2002 году, в котором говорится о любом виде выбор пола в до или после беременности запрещен.

Спасите девочку: создание действий и законов недостаточно для решения проблемы

Но эти действия, похоже, не оказывают большого влияния на темные оттенки человеческих поступков. Ни одно дело не поступило в суд, и участники кампании против практики пренатального определения пола жалуются на то, что законодательство невозможно обеспечить соблюдение. Закон очень хорошо понимается, и необходимость часа - это юридическая грамотность, обеспечивающая соблюдение закона. Здесь важна роль и компетентность правоохранительных органов? Несмотря на все строгие законы, разработанные для женского укуса, практика продолжается. Сопротивление полов между мальчиками и девочками представляет серьезную угрозу самому существованию сбалансированного социального порядка в Индии.

Спасите девочку: Сенсибилизация общества

Необходимо проинформировать индийское общество о тестах на отбор по признаку пола и предстоящем гендерном кризисе. Необходимо пропагандировать общество в отношении большего гендерного равенства. Повысить осведомленность о предтальском диагностическом законе (PNDT), 1994 год, а также его недавнюю поправку, принятую парламентом, которая запрещает любые формы тестов на выбор секса.

Спасите девочку: осознание в обществе

Общество должно быть осведомлено о плачевом положении женщин в индийском обществе, из которых избирательный секс-аборт женского плода является одним из показателей, помимо увеличения числа случаев насилия и торговли людьми.

Спасите девочку: выполнение закона

Закон должен быть строго реализован, и нам необходимо повысить уровень соответствия между родильными домами, домами престарелых, ультразвуковыми клиниками, радиологами для регистрации своих сверхзвуковых машин в соответствии с Законом о PNDT. Медицинское сообщество должно быть осведомлено об этике медицинской профессии и той роли, которую они купили, чтобы играть в улучшение демографического кризиса, а также соотношение полов в стране. Это также время для более строгого и жесткого регулирования медицинской практики в Индии.

Спасите девочку: меняя отношение

Необходимо наладить диалог между держателями, а также отслеживать изменения между поколениями среди женщин через различные поколения. Необходимо подчеркнуть достижения успешных женщин из разных слоев общества, а также из разных слоев общества, чтобы изменить отношение общества к женщинам.

Сохранить девочку: Закрытие комментариев

В обществе должно быть широко распространено очевидное противодействие и гнев в отношении «геноцида» против женщин. Сегодня никто не может сказать, что женский фицид не является их проблемой, когда ежегодно в стране избирательно уничтожается более миллиона девочек-плодов. Это было время, когда мы все сделали, чтобы помочь спасти девочку, поскольку время действительно заканчивается для девочки в Индии. Катастрофические последствия того, что происходит сегодня, будут ощущаться еще через 10-20 лет. Поэтому для предотвращения ужасного будущего потребность в часе заключается в том, чтобы осознать наши обязанности и прекратить это злое преступление убийства девочки в самой матке. Определенный драйв может инициировать искру, чтобы осветить лампу и показать миру, что мы действительно являемся землей великих богинь и матерей.

 Save girl -2

 Save girl -2

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