Do you suffer from hemorrhoids? If so, surgery to remove hemorrhoids is often a sensible choice for severe cases of hemorrhoids. Most hemorrhoidal candidates for laser surgery have tried all means, including changes in diet, improved hygiene, medications and lotions. Anemia and iron deficiency also determine if hemorrhoidal surgery is required. Hemorrhoid laser surgery has become a popular relief method because of its many advantages, such as a less painful recovery time and a reduction in the risk of infection and complications.
What is hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a painful condition of swollen blood vessels and tissues in the rectum and anus, caused by difficult bowel movements, pregnancy, heavy activity and consistency or sitting for a long time. Painful itching, burning and bleeding during bowel movements and urination may occur. The laser procedure uses a laser beam instead of a scalpel to remove affected tissue. A narrow beam of invisible light is produced by either argon or carbon dioxide or Nd-YAG lasers to remove what is needed without damaging nearby tissues and compacting the nerve endings and small blood vessels. This accurate procedure provides quicker results, as well as less bleeding and discomfort in the surgical area, shorter recovery times and faster healing. Patients can return home within a few hours after the procedure, as they do not require a hospital stay.
Cost of hemorrhoid surgery
This type of laser surgery procedure is more expensive than other surgical alternatives. Doctors require special training to perform this procedure, expensive laser equipment and special glasses for the doctor and staff. The cost of the patient is approximately $ 9,000 or more and is often covered by most insurance plans.
Hemorrhoid Laser Surgery Recovery
This type of recovery is shorter and less painful than periods of recovery after other surgical procedures. Although there are no stitches, it is recommended to spend from one to two weeks from work, since rest and easy activities are prescribed. Strenuous activity and exercise, weight lifting, pushing and stretching are not allowed; however, short walks are encouraged. It is important that the surgical area is clean and dry, often changing dressings. Soaking in a warm bath, applying ice or lotions and taking painkillers. Antibiotics will also be prescribed to prevent infection. Difficulty with bowel movement and urination is normal and will improve during the recovery process. Refusal to exercise during bowel movements, removal of stool softeners, including fiber, fruits, vegetables, and drinking large amounts of water in the diet, will facilitate bowel movement.
Although hemorrhoidal laser surgery is the most expensive procedure for the treatment of hemorrhoid pain, factors such as 98% success, shorter recovery of hemorrhoid laser surgery and less risk of complications and pain, are additional costs for surgical treatment of hemorrhoids and long-term relief.